Monday 28 November 2011

Concept Visualisation: Developing Silhouettes

After experimenting with the silhouettes, I decided to pick some that stood out for me to develop a little further with some tonal sketching. This practice helped me again to imagine what each part of the silhouette could represent, making it exciting to explore and see what you come out with! From my initial sketches, I decided I wanted a more basic looking character for the basis of traditional 'Western' attire. Too much kit on the other silhouettes made the figures look less western themed and more futuristic, so I diverted back to basics for developments. As you can see from the tonal sketches above, I have worked into them to bring out different areas of clothing and accessories using tonal work. Layering over with greys and whites to bring definition to shapes within either fabric or bodily proportions. From this I have already decided a figure I think will work perfectly for the development of Zork's western themed Hero!

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