Monday 28 November 2011

Concept Visualisation: Final Piece and Extra

Here is my final piece of Western Zork! I had so much fun doing this piece because I really began getting a feel for the personality of the character. With the Western theme, i also had fine deriving an environment that represented the Cowboy's home world. I didn't want the environment to be too busy, but I wanted it to display assets of western culture that I think are most important. From completing a previous western environment, I learned that the use of empty spaces and silhouette/shadow type shapes really add to the authenticity of the theme. So within this piece I focused on a mountain range that added that depth and vastness. Also from a previous composition lecture, I decided to think carefully about how the piece should be set out. I deliberately made it so there was a gradient of action that narrowed to the main character, but could also reverse to get a perspective of the environment. From the mountains, to the cactus and to the figure. Different depths of action draw you to and from different points of the piece, which I think not only adds to the atmosphere of the theme and environment, but the character's nature. I also focused on the position and attitude of Zork, because I wanted him to really represent that 'cool' approach in his Cowboy form. I think combined with his facial expression and posture, you can clearly see that Zork has attitude in this piece, giving the audience a greater perspective of what to expect with him.

Here is just a little extra piece I did for fun. It was extremely simple, but I thought it would be comical to have western Zork on a traditional 'Wanted' poster.

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