Sunday, 27 November 2011

Concept Visualisation: Research

For my concept visualization, I wanted to take the Western themed Zork character and adapt him with better references. From previous video games I have played and movies that I have seen in the past, I noticed how important it was to be as accurate to the theme as possible, with it, the targeted audience would feel lost or detached from the concept. It is crucial that the genre is represented correctly, in my case for a western adaptation, elements such as traditional clothing and colours will need to be taken into account for my character to look authentic. The two primary pieces I wanted to refer to, were 'Red Dead Redemption' as a successful, recent western video game and 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' movie from the late 1960's. I believe these two pieces of media brilliantly show attention to detail for western culture and traditional. From clothing, environments, personalities and colour palettes, these two examples are a perfect representation of that. The images above show equally the theme chosen, the colours and the attitude of the characters. I want to replicate this idea with those elements, so that Western Zork looks authentic and believable within his environment.

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